
A lot of the time I will be doing research from various books and websites, and will include recipes on this blog that are not my own.  Here is a list of websites and books that I have used for this challenge.  The book titles link to their Amazon page if you wish to purchase them.

Blumenthal, Heston. Heston Blumenthal at Home
Blumenthal, Heston. The Fat Duck Cookbook
Chambers, Paul. Foraging
Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh.  The River Cottage Cookbook
Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh.  The River Cottage Meat Book
Phillips, Roger. Mushrooms

Gode Cookery Medieval Cooking Website
Gourmet Underground Detroit Culinary website specialising in local produce
BBC Food The BBC's Food page is ideal for finding recipes from a huge range of chefs
Vintage Recipes A source of recipes from days gone by