Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Initial thoughts 1: Where will I get the meat from?

What is going to be the centerpiece of my Christmas dinner?  Turkey is obviously out due to the decided lack of these silly looking birds wandering around central Scotland.  I could opt for Roe deer, of which there are plenty in the woodland surrounding town I live in, but that would be a hell of a big thing to kill when the nearest I’ve ever got to shooting a gun was a Super Soaker.  There are, however, a lot of birds in Fife, so this is where I am going to focus my attention.

It is a rare day that I don’t have to dodge a stupid pheasant that decides to run out in front of my car when I’m on my way to work.  Instead of braking or swerving to avoid it causing a bird shaped dent in the front of my car, maybe I should start aiming for them and cooking my kill.  Having said that, the thought of slightly squashed pheasant isn’t one that particularly appeals, but there is still the option of shooting them.

Failing that, there are a lot of ducks and geese that migrate over the estuaries that surround the Kingdom of Fife, so shooting a few of those out of the skies might be a way to a free feast. 

There are other sources of meat that roam around wild on the east coast of Scotland.  There are rabbits all over the place that could be picked off with an air rifle and made into something delicious.  Living on the coast, I can always take up fishing.  I’m forever seeing people dangling rods into the water off the pier outside my house so, obviously, there must be something worth catching in the briny deep.  There is a very buoyant crab and lobster fishing community in the village I live so, hopefully, I might be able to convince one of the fishermen to advise me on how to catch shellfish from the shore.  I think that if I can catch a lobster or crab, I can create some sort of shellfish starter for the meal.

So as you can see, there is a wide selection of wild animals available that I can catch and kill, once I have the skills to do so.  A couple of geese following a shellfish starter would be a pretty good Christmas dinner in anyone’s book, and all the more rewarding in that I will have got the ingredients for free. 

The problem I am going to have is getting the vegetables…